Saturday, July 17, 2010

Summer of Dreams: Vacation Day 1

Our vacation begins on the road. For a lot of hours. Some stuck in traffic. Not just bumper-to-bumper traffic. Complete standstill for 30 minutes traffic. Mr. Semi-Truck Driver, could you kindly elect to not crash and stick your trailer 14 feet in the air next time I try to go to Canada please? My baby isn't a big fan.
After 7 or so hours on the road, we crossed the Canadian border into the lovely city of Niagara. We checked into the Hilton, praised ourselves for choosing the two-bedroom suite, then headed outside to do some scouting. This made us hungry. So we ate ourselves silly at Brasa, a Brazilian Steakhouse with the best grilled pineapple on the planet. After vowing we would never eat another thing again, we headed to the pool in our hotel. Because who wouldn't want to swim after eating 18 cows (PS, only the boys ate the cows. Us girls were nice and dainty with our chicken and fruit).

The waterslide was the selling point for Allen. Once he saw the pool, we were not allowed to look anywhere else. The kids loved it. Okay, well maybe not Linley so much.
But Ryder was a big fan.

Another hit: the gigantic jacuzzi tub where Allen thought it would be fun to dump an entire bottle of bubble bath. Whoopsy.

Not even a full day in, and we knew this vacation was going to be fantastic.

A few vanity sidenotes before we get into the thick of things:
1. This trip will also forever be known as The Vacation of Awesomely Bad Hair. I promise Linley and I made sure we had fab hair before leaving our hotel room every morning. However, within .28 seconds of walking outside the hotel doors, we wilted into a sad mess of matted, flattened, flyaways.
2. My sunglasses broke prior to leaving for the trip. Hence my wearing Allen's back-ups. Sexiness at it's finest.


Megan said...

I literally laughed out loud at that last picture. I actually want to jump in with them. Well, with bathing suits and a good wiping of Ryder's booty.

Mistie said...

hi erica- i love that you guys did the Hill Comorah stuff and the Niagara experience. We loved that trip.... and also hence the name Seneka (from up in that neck of the woods). miss you guys. Congrats on Allen's new job too! oh, and did you happen to get my little package in the mail a while back!?! I am a dork, i know!
Take care-