Sunday, July 18, 2010

Summer of Dreams: Vacation Day 4

We spent our last day touring Palmyra. We began at the Hill Cumorah Visitor's Center.
Which led us to the Hill Cumorah.
Next up, we visited the Smith Family Farm. First we walked through the log home.
The room Joseph Smith shared with his brothers. Where Angel Moroni appeared to him.
The Frame house
The Sacred Grove. So completely peaceful and serene. Well, except for that whole moment when Linley and Ryder were punching each other. I tried to get them to understand the importance of the ground we were walking on by telling them that Jesus and Heavenly Father appeared here to Joseph Smith. Linley looked at me like I was completely insane and said, "I don't see Jesus mom. This is a forest." Then ran off to wrestle her brother.
We finished up at the Palmyra temple, ate some disgustingly humongous portions of food at Nima's in downtown Palmyra, then settled in for the drive home.
To say we were all pooped was an understatement. We had to wake Tess up Saturday morning at 10 because she was holding us up from running some errands. She then took a 4 hour nap in the afternoon.
This is one week our family will forever treasure (or at least those of us with a brain capable of making memories that last longer than 14 minutes).


amanda. said...


you better whip lynnlee's testimony into shape STAT.

wayward child.

Sarah Weiss said...

So fun. We should have been there with you!

Megan said...

Haha funny, Amanda. Such cute pics. We have church history in MO. Come visit us? I love your sandals. Like a lot. You look like a white Pocahontas.