Sunday, October 10, 2010

Weekend Getaway: Boston, Day 1

Allen was working in Boston all week. He was scheduled to fly home Friday evening. Instead, the following occurred:
Allen cancelled his flight
Allen booked a fancy shmancy hotel for the weekend
I packed
Ryder ditched school
I loaded children in the car
I drove 5 hours (should have been 4. Stupid traffic) all by my lonesome to Boston. Where we joined daddy.
We began with lunch at the Prudential Center, where I at a Lobster Bisque that dreams are made of. Seriously. Followed by a tour of Boston on a Duck Boat (World War II amphibious landing vehicles...or a big 'ole bus thingie that travels on land and in water). Like this beauty. Except ours was Pepto-Bismol pink. Linley was thrilled. Ryder nearly refused to step foot on the girly ride.
Aboard the Duck Boat. Don't be fooled by Tessa's smile. She was angry. Real angry. Unfortunately, she could not be allowed to jump out the window. Although, I am certain we all considered it. Many, many times.
We toured all around Boston, learning the history and seeing the sights. Then, the duck boat took us into the Charles River. Where Linley drove. It was fun. A perfect way to take in Boston. That said, it was long. Like 2 hours long. Which probably would not have felt nearly as long had Tessa made the jump out the window at Beacon Hill.

Then we grabbed some dinner and finally arrived at our hotel. Where I got picture happy.
th yoohoos and chocolate chip cookies for their feasting pleasure.
Three days playing in Boston and Ryder will say his favorite part of the trip was swimming in the hotel pool. Or maybe the kid sized robes and slippers.
And the only reason this picture made this post was the boots. I like my boots. It was a real long day. Just look at my boots. And like them.


Megan said...

Looks like so much fun! I love the kids in bath towels and slippers. Hilarious.
I'll take your whole outfit, please.

jessica said...

I love it. The kids are cute as ever and it looks like you all had a great time. I wanna go to boston one day. ps I love your boots.

amanda. said...

looked at the boots. liked the boots. stealing the boots when i see you for thanksgiving.

oh ps. im planning on seeing you for thanksgiving.

Sarah Weiss said...

I love the boots. Totally jealous of your glamorous life!