Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Normally we save our Christmas adventures into the city for the 12 Days of Christmas.
(Let's be honest...normally we save any fun Christmas related activities for the 12 days of Christmas.  
I really hate to put myself out and do extra.  I'm more of a bare minimum kind of girl.)
 Buuuuuttt, when December sees itself courting a 60 degree day, you dance.  And dance we did.  Straight on over to Macy's.
 Because that is what we call a miracle occurring live and in living color on 34th Street.
 Sweet husband Allen took Tess on the train with him to work in the morning, then dropped her off at  the day care there.  
We will be doing that again real soon.
That left me with just the two bigs and the baby on the train that afternoon.  Easy peesy.  We all rejoined at the train entrance to Santaland.  
The lineless train. 
 Yet another Christmas miracle.
Eden hates Santa.  Which is why he will not be bringing her any presents this year.
I will though.  Because baby girl is sleeping through the night.
Let's all take a moment to proudly pound our chests and excitedly do a happy dance. 
True to form, neither Santa nor Santaland disappointed.  
 Extra sparkle has officially been added to The Season.

 And per the usual, the city was a walking winterland.  Minus the winterland part.  
 Because it was 60 degrees outside.  Remember??

 We stopped for dinner at this hipster vegan spot.
 The food was mega tasty but miniscule.  
So naturally we purchased $30 worth of crap snacks at Penn Station 30 minutes later. 
 It was a night of pure beauty.
 And we are all feeling a little extra festive. 
Success all around.


Ashli said...

Totally jealous. It looks fabulous. Glad it was so enjoyable, 60 degrees? Ridiculous.

Sarah Weiss said...

Makes me want to hop over to New York and join the festivities!