Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Nine Months!

 She's a snuggler with an independent streak (snuggliest when I am trying to cook dinner and most independent at 5:30 in the maybe her timing isn't ideal).
 She claps and bops her head to music and excitedly spots family members from a mile away.
 She added her two front teeth to that smoochy little mouth and is about to bust out two more. 
 A twenty pounder in 18 month clothing with her height remaining off the charts (sort of like her charm).
 She is starting to get on all fours and rock, considering crawling, but then ultimately resorting to a scoot.  Bless her.
 She is also pulling her self up to standing in her crib.  This little girl is determined to grow up, regardless (or in spite of) of what her mother says.
 But, oh, she is so much fun to have around.  She is becoming a bubbly bouncy little baby; strangers and siblings alike are completely drawn to her.  
She's just so darned scrumptious and munchable.

1 comment:

Mistie said...

L.O.V.E her pouty lips and also her fun puff shoe thingys. She is a doll. I can't believe how big all your kids are. What a cute fam you have!