Thursday, August 14, 2014

July is Super Fly

Let's recall: the first half of July was spent in California.  Reminder: it was awesome.

Upon our return, the iPhoto dump:

Celebrating 7-11 with free slurpees.   As you do.
 Listen, I have like 3000 of these shots.  Because this is our summer home.  And I adore watching them soak up the sunshining splendor.
 I don't know.  She's just Tessa, and that is all.
 And this is just Eden.  And that really is all.
No, no it's not.  She really is mostly enjoyable these days.  Just not that particular day.
 The basement is finished!!  Which means we got new furniture for the family room.  But first we went couchless.  And the girls were in love.
The beginning of more boating adventures.  As we do.  These three are killing it.  K-I-L-L-I-N-G it.  The father is so proud.
 Also some blood giving adventures.  So basically, everyone should be proud.
Just try and tell me this is not indicative of love in it's purest form.
 Girlfriend was so impressed with herself when she discovered the bucket doubled as a hat.  
Lot's of pride happening in this post.  So, at least I'm honest.
 All four at the island!!!  
Now let's all cross our fingers and say our prayers that the crazy one does not break her head.  
Many thanks.
Another successful year of swim team goes down in the books.  Less successful, the mother photographer.  Whoops.
Know this: these kids were rock stars.  Ryder won several firsts, a couple seconds and a third.  Linley won a first, a couple seconds and a third.  Ryder is the breaststroke beast and Linley is masterful at the butterfly (I mean, relatively speaking and all that).
So, awesome.
July blinks by.  And really, I hate that.  Someone figure out how to bottle that month and send it to me in January.  More many thanks.

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