Wednesday, September 6, 2017


Our sweetest Tessa Jane chose to be baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on June 25, 2017.
And we are so pleased with her decision.
Somehow Tessa just gets Jesus.  Like, she and Jesus, they are buds.  
Best buds.
Choosing to take on His name, and promising to always remember Him: nothing could be simpler or more natural for Tessa.
Christlike is who she is.
She had a lovely baptism service.  
Grandma Zimmerman gave an inspiring and moving talk on baptism and Grandpa Wallace gave Tessa the gift of the Holy Ghost with a beautiful blessing.
I spoke on the Holy Ghost.
And cried like a baby, so, there's that.
The Holy Ghost always wins.
I wrote it down so you will remember Tessa Jane.  Because I mean every word of it:
Do you remember the presents you got for your birthday last week?  You’ve probably forgotten a few.  How many do you think you will still have next month?  Or next year?  Most of the gifts we are given in this life don’t last.  They break, or get lost, or stolen by Eden.  But, today you get to receive a gift that will not only last your entire lifetime, it will just continue to get better and better as you learn to use it and to recognize it.  Today you get to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.  Do you know why you get this?Just a couple of minutes ago you made a covenant with Heavenly Father (a covenant is a two-way promise). When you got baptized, you promised Heavenly Father you would be a witness of Christ and you would take his name upon you. You promised you would keep his commandments and always remember him.Because you made those promises, Heavenly Father now promises to give you the very special gift of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost can do many different things. He can tell you when something is right. He can tell you when something is wrong. He can warn you of a dangerous situation. He can make you feel okay when you’ve been feeling sad. He can help you make the right choices.  He can help you know the gospel is true. But how can he do these things? You can’t see him or touch him or talk to him, and even though we say he speaks with the still small voice, unless it is a very special situation, you can’t really hear him with your ears either.
So how does it work?if I wanted to tell you I love you but I couldn’t use my words, what do you think I might do? I might give you a hug. I might tickle your back or kiss your cheek. I might pull your covers up while you’re sleeping. I might make cookies for you after school. I might take you to church where you can learn about Jesus and the gospel. And all those things would be good and helpful and you would know I love you. Just like there are many ways I can communicate with you, there are many ways the Holy Ghost can communicate with you too. And the Holy Ghost will have lots of reasons to speak to you, so it’s super important you learn to recognize how the He communicates to you without ever saying a word:Here are just a few ways the Holy Ghost speaks to us: 1.    Warmth: A blanket comforts us. It keeps us warm. It makes us feel better when we are sad, sick or lonely. The Holy Ghost is often called a comforter. He is always there to lend us comfort in time of need, just like a soft snuggly blanket.  Also, if you have a question about a decision you are making and you want to know you are making the right choice, say a prayer.  If it’s the right choice, the Holy Ghost may fill your whole body with warmth.
2.   Warning: A Bandaid protects you. It covers a scrape and protects it from getting dirty. It protects clothes from getting blood on them. The Holy Ghost wants to protect you. Sometimes he warns us of danger. To protect you from making a wrong choice, you might get a yucky feeling, or feel confused.  This is the Holy Ghost warning you.
3.   Love: When you are feeling sad or lonely, or even when you are super excited about something like getting a good grade on a hard test, the Holy Ghost can help you feel your Heavenly Father’s love.  When you repent after making a bad choice, he can help you feel Jesus’s love.  And when you need help, he can help you feel dad’s and my love for you.
4.   Whisper to our hearts: The Voice of the Spirit speaks softly and gently–it doesn’t yell. It takes practice and a desire to hear and feel the Holy Ghost.  Sometimes you might not be sure if what you are feeling is the actually the Holy Ghost or if it is just your brain or your heart.  Even if you aren’t sure, I want you to write these feelings down.  Write how it feels, and what you were doing when you felt it.  Say to yourself, I think I am feeling the Holy Ghost right now.  The more you work to understand how the holy ghost testifies to you and comforts you and protects you, the better your relationship with him and your Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ will become.  The more you work, the easier it will be for you to hear and to feel the Holy Ghost.
 There is no greater companion you can have as you walk through life.  Your dad and I will always try to teach you what is right.  Your grandparents will always cheer you on.  You brother and sisters will always be your friend.  But no person on this earth can teach you more and help you feel more love than the Holy Ghost.  This is the gift Heavenly Father has promised you.  A friend who will never leave your side, as long as you are keeping your baptismal covenants.
President Ezra Taft Benson, who was the prophet when I was your age, counseled the children in the church, “Pray to Heavenly Father to bless you with His Spirit at all times. We often call the Spirit the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is also a gift from Heavenly Father. The Holy Ghost helps you to choose the right. The Holy Ghost will protect you from evil. He whispers to you in a still, small voice to do right. When you do good, you feel good, and that is the Holy Ghost speaking to you. The Holy Ghost is a wonderful companion. He is always there to help you."
 Tessa, I want you to know I am feeling the warmth of the Holy Ghost right now.  I love feeling the Holy Ghost.  He is my friend.  He has helped me make all the right choices that have led me to this moment right now, standing here in New Jersey talking to my sweet little 8 year-old girl.  I believe Heavenly Father has given us this gift because He loves us.  And He wants us to feel that love every single day.
I am so proud of you and I can’t wait to watch your relationship with the Holy Ghost grow as you get to know each other better and better.
Moving on:
Tessa was so widely supported and celebrated, by her parents, her brother and sisters, her grandparents, and her ward family.
She's just so easy to love.

Thank you Tessa for the reminder of goodness, and that goodness is greatness.

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