Pretty sure every single January this blog adopts a most negative spin.
Because, simply stated: January sucks.
It's like, let's ring in the new year and get you all excited for what's to come and make goals and feel centered and confident that this is your year and you're going to rock it...
...then surely what was a full eternity later is actually only January 6th. And it's cold. And the only thing I am certain to rock is my sweats.
How does this occur?
If only I was strong enough to not give into the social pressures to have my kids involved and active in life. You know, like if I could drop them off at school, come home, watch movies, pick them up from school, then proceed to watch more movies. And on days I am feeling extra motivated, get dressed and throw in a load of laundry. Basketball and scouts and gymnastics and swimming and friends....that is all so overrated in the hole of a month that is January.
Still, I do my darndest to hunker down and leave this dwelling as little as possible.
For the baby's sake, of course.
Like I mentioned, it's wretched cold out there. And diseased. Small children and their uber responsible mother's need not be exposed.
Speaking of small children, this one is 4 months old. Someone explain to me how January moves slower than cold tar in, well, January, and yet she continues to grow faster than Obama can spend my money??? It's obscene (her growth and the leader of our free country).
In happier news, our house is humming along (Does humming infer speed because that's just not going to work???). Our house is crawling along. But progress is progress and progress in January feels extra progressive.
And that baby. Again. Just look at that baby. Life is perfect when I'm smooching on those lips and chomping on those cheeks.
Take that January shmanuary.