Monday, September 14, 2009

Big Man on Campus

Today was Ryder's first day of school as a big time Kindergartner. Now he rules his Primary Center. So what if he should have started school last week. He was at the beach. Priorities people.
He left for school a little bit angry because I wouldn't let him tuck his shirt in, and he came home from school a little bit angry because kindergarten doesn't have play time and all they did was read. Poor, poor child.


Maile said...

That cracks me up that you wouldn't let him tuck his shirt in! He does look so handsome. I can't believe he's in kindergarten now. Is Linley starting preschool?

Stubbart said...

Wow, you guys have cute kids! Keep makin' em! :)

Sarah Weiss said...

I can't believe how big he looks! Our boys are getting so grown up!

Amy said...

Ha! Poor Ryder. Thomas's kindergarten school is "all day" so they do get recess, but there are No Chasing Games allowed at his school. So good-bye tag, duck duck goose, etc. Can you believe that? Their childhood is going to be so warped without memories of tag on the playground.