No surprise- the holiday that is most focused on friends, family and FOOD is one of my favorites. I love Thanksgiving. A lot. Really a lot. This is our fourth Thanksgiving here in New Jersey (well, really only our third since our second was spent in California... technicalities). Every year we talk about how we would love to go to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. And every year we wake up and it is either snowing or raining, completely cold and miserable. And so then we stay at home. Forced to watch the festivities on TV, even though we are a mere 35 minute train ride away.
This year however, was different. This year we woke up and it was warm-ish. Sunny-ish. Certainly no snow in sight. We checked the weather at 7:30, saw it was 52 degrees outside, tossed around the idea to head into the city, confirmed the idea at 7:45, threw on some clothes, and rushed to make the 8:20 train, which we did, barely. Nevermind that most people were in the city by 6:30am. We like to cut things close.
We went stroller-less, which while my shoulders are just beginning to forgive me for it, was completely convenient and we were able to weasel our way around the crowds without issue. In fact, we were able to position ourselves across the street from Bryant park, only about 4 rows back. Our view was perfect. We saw it all. Allen's arms are still paying for that one.
I am so happy we went!! The kids loved every second. I loved every second. Tessa slept through nearly every second. It was the perfect way to kick off our Thanksgiving day.
Allen was a little sad he missed the church Turkey bowl. He got over it.
Topping the kids list of favorites was Shrek, Spiderman, and Yo Gabba Gabba.
Topping Allen's list was Miss America. Or Katharine McPhee. Or Boys Like Girls. I am such a funny girl!
Sadly my camera died before I could get shots of Dora and Buz. Oh and Ziggy Marley. Because what is Thanksgiving without a little Ziggy??
We concluded our day of Thanks with a fabulous meal at our friends, the Majors. Complete dreaminess.!! We are such a lucky little family that has way too much to be grateful for!!
fun fun!! I love Thanksgiving (especially the food) too.
I'm so glad you guys had a good time. When we went a few years back it was awful! Yup, we went on the coldest day of the year, I swear. It was raining, windy and oh so cold! We lasted about an hour before I took the kids into the Time Warner building to warm their little hands and noses up and I was sooooo cranky because Chad wanted to go and I kept thinking how nice it would have been to be at home watching it on the tube. And we had a stroller! Mistake! Looks like you had a fabulous day and it is definately something to take in while living there. Just not in the cold! LOL.
I am jealous! Wasn't you guys that we were supposed to go with one year but it was raining and Ashton had a fever? Yeah, probably it was us that bailed on that one. Good for you for making the looks like lots of fun...especially for the kids. miss you guys!
What a great memory... score on the no stroller. Wish our thanksgiving in the city was as successful as yours! Congrats.
Thanksgiving in New York! Could life get any better?!! Glad you guys had so much fun. I can't believe how big the kiddos are getting! And Ryder looks like the funniest little guy...Love it!
Miss you-
jealous. very jealous.
next fall.
also, regarding the above: please start saying your prayers for me. the list gets posted tuesday.
i MUST be on that list.
thanks love.
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