Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Perish the Thought

Yesterday was a gross, nasty, ugly day. Rain was pouring in buckets and the wind was intense. So intense that when we walked out of the doctor's office and onto the wide open parking lot, Linley was knocked backward straight onto her buns by it's brute force; something I had never seen before, but would love to see again. And so, there we were, Linley on the ground sobbing hysterically, me unabashedly laughing hysterically, and Tessa, Linley and I getting soaked to the bone. It was then that I decided we would all go home, put on our pjs, watch movies and eat cinnamon rolls for dinner. All of which we did. Don't judge me. We'll have double veggies tonight, okay?
Fast forward to today. I promised the kids that if they took naps, they could have a cinnamon roll when they awoke. The kids hurried to bed and fell asleep in record time. And yes, Ryder does still take naps on occasion. And all of those occasions occur when bribery by food is involved. Ryder got up and groggily asked for his cinnamon roll. I obliged. Linley was next to get up. She was less groggy and far more demanding, insisting I get her a cinnamon roll and hot milk "right now."
As a side note, Linley loves milk. A lot. As in, she would drink a gallon a day if she didn't have an awful mother restricting her intake. Thing is, she will only drink her milk hot. Who drinks hot milk? I really thought she would be over this by now, but she's nowhere close. Side note ended.
As I am putting her roll in the microwave, I tell Linley she may choose a cinnamon roll or hot milk. Her reply without hesitation, "Then I choose hot milk. I'll have my cinnamon roll another day."
So this girl that looks like she could be my twin is not mine. Not even close. Where did she come from?

On a completely unrelated note:
Tess is teething. On me. While nursing. I screamed today. Loudly. She freaked out, and then cried, loudly. I figured she got the point. Then she immediately bit me again. Because I needed to be punished for scaring her????

Monday, January 25, 2010

All Her Glory

The TJ (who we never refer to as such, but I feel like changing things up) had her 6 month check-up today. So what if I am a month and ten days late. Sometimes I am tardy for the party. It happens.
She weighed in at just over 20 pounds. Cutest. Whopper. Ever.
This month (her seventh) has been fabulous. She has started sleeping through the night (with the exception of last night....please, please, please let this not be another new sleeping trend. I was really getting use to feeling more human less zombie), going 11-12 hours without nourishment. Go Tessa. Staying on the food theme: she loves it!! She even ate a can of green beans last night. Without complaint. Oh, and some chocolate chip cookies. Bad idea?? She's the third. There has to be some privileges involved.
I am so in love with my smiley little chubbers. Especially when she poops and gives the loudest, red-faced grunts you have ever heard. I think I need to go bite those cheeks right now.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My Lovelies

It's Winter and we get bored easily. So what better way to chase away the blues than saying "cheese" for the camera??? The perks of vain kids I suppose.
...And this is why we call her "Bulldog"

For now, today, I am madly in love with my three little lovelies.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy New Year

Holy crappiness it has been freezing here. Correction- way worse than freezing.

 As in, days don't get above 23 degrees, and that's without factoring in the blistering wind chill. These are the days that make us long for life elsewhere. Where the sun shines and actually provides heat to your body.

But enough whining about that. Happy 2010!!! New Years Eve was filled with building snowmen and playing all night with friends. It was happy, celebratory and nice and quiet. Sadly, I do not think I have quite recovered from my New Year's Eve late night. But that may have more to do with my little best friend who thinks sleep is for the weak.

Here's to looking forward to year full of contentment!