Saturday morning at 10:30am, Ryder made the big decision to enter the waters of baptism and become an official member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Pretty sure Allen and I were beaming as much as we were the day he was born.
It was a beautiful service. The Grandmas prayed and the Grandpas spoke, bringing the sweet sensation of The Spirit and touching every soul in attendance.
Allen performed both the baptism and confirmation, pronouncing one of the most beautiful blessings on my little boy that my ears have ever heard.
He is such a confident and charismatic little boy. As soon as we received the invitations, he anxiously asked if he could invite his school teacher and a few school friends. He bravely did so, and his school teacher and a friend and her family attended.
He felt so loved and special joined by both his school and primary teacher.
Following the service, we raced home to prepare for the luncheon held in the backyard. Sadly I so was frantically getting things on the table, I failed to photograph the table. And the food. Which was beautiful. And delicious. The grandmas and Tracy and I make a pretty good team. We should probably be getting paid for our awesomeness.
We are so grateful for all who attended, but mostly grateful for our little boy who gave reason for this event. He is such a wonderful example to me and his sisters.
I could never love another boy as much as I love you Ryder. You will always be my #1!!!
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