The last couple weeks of school are ridiculously, insanely busy and I pretty much despise them, while my children pretty much spend the entire year looking forward to them.
One of Linley's end of year events was her class party. Complete with a three-legged race. She and her partner totally killed it.
And of course, graduation. Which Wilson always does remarkably well. Their graduation ceremonies are way better than even my high school one. Complete enjoyment.
This school has been nothing but impressive for both Ryder and Linley.
Lining up on the stage for the big performance. We were laughing, clapping, singing, dancing and crying. A truly moving experience.
With the adorable Miss Ianello
And the amazing Mrs. Gueci.
Linley blossomed in so many ways this year, most substantially in becoming an unbelievable little reader. That said, she is still my spontaneous and dynamic child (
Raising a Spirited Child has instructed me I need to alter the labels I place on her. And so, spontaneous and dynamic it is). Some days she would beg to go to school, others she would plead to stay home. Some days I would get glowing reports of how wonderful and caring a friend she is, other days she would punch a kid in the face. She truly is a little box of chocolates (I owe you Forrest).
Regardless, she is one impressive little lady and I am constantly in awe as I watch her grow.
Now we just are ready to embrace summer then embark on the all-day adventures of First Grade!!