Following Allen's crazy person race, we were ready for some family time. While it was too cold to spend the day at the pool, the weather was perfect for the monkeys to have their first try at mini golf.

Ryder was certain he would own the course.
He swung...
Until I swung...and missed.
Tiger Woods I am not.
The girls decided to call on the resident expert for some pointers (note: The show-off in the background desperately searching for his ball in the rocks. Also note not pictured: the mother spent a good deal of time looking for her ball in the rocks as well. Apples and trees and all that).
This one was uncharacteristically content to stay firmly strapped to her stroller. I am pretty sure she didn't sleep that night to make up for it.
By the last couple holes, this little man and myself were winning Most Improved Awards all over the place.
I mean, that stance. A plus.
Pictured here before the winds picked up.
And finally, 78 mph.
Also: pictorial evidence that my life most closely resembles a massive hurricane.
Also: pictorial evidence that my life most closely resembles a massive hurricane.
Cute little Saturday wherein I mostly only loved those 4 little beings in my possession.
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