Monday, February 16, 2015

January iPhone Dump

January was a doozy.
As January's always seem to go.
 Eden killed her front top tooth.  Dead and sad and gray.  So there goes everything.
 Common were days too cold to do anything other than snuggle.  And wish I could swear.
Super Bowl supporters.  Boys against girls.  The girls lost.  But the boys are cheaters, so whatever.
Also, this was technically February 1st.  So I guess I'm a cheater, too.
 Taking advantage of the awful that was January.
Bless them for not realizing this is completely inhumane.
There was a pinewood derby.
This is what 4th place looks like.
Also, Allen and I are still married, so really, this is what success looks like (because pinewood derby's are no good for this relationship).
Ryder has been asking for a mustache car since his derby days began 3 years ago, and as this was his last and final derby (HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!), his father obliged.  
The mustache car was not legal, so it did not race.  But it did make that boy super happy. High fives to his father (even if I wanted to punch him throughout the duration.).
 The kids performed in their winter piano recital.  And per the norm, they killed it. My awe at their confidence will never cease.  Some quick 15 second clips:

And then came the flu.  Of the stomach variety. 
This is where I want to say lots and lots of very bad words.
Eden, Linley and Allen were all hit.  Hard.  
Knocked down dead.
It was 6 days of gross.

I hate you January. Year after year after year I only know loathing for you.
We should try something new next year.

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