Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Spring Break: Smoky Mountains

The next leg of our journey involved a 6-hour drive to Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
 We stayed in a nice little cabin to reacquaint (thank you spell check!!) ourselves with nature in the gorgeous Smoky Mountains.
And take a nightly breather in the cabin's hot tub.
 Feeling irregularly adventurous, we took ourselves on a 2.6 mile hike.
 They were all good little troopers...if riding piggy-back counts....
 The fruit of our labors: Laurel Falls. 
High fives to mother earth.
Then while Eden napped and I did laundry (because clothes still get dirty and people still insist on wearing clean underwear, even on vacation), Allen took the big kids horse back riding.
It was a perfect way to spend a couple days.  Outside surrounded by beauty and sunshine.
Then back to the close confines of the car.

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