Finishing a flawless December:
Watching the First Presidency Christmas devotional with copious amounts of ice cream thanks to the delicious gifting of Aaron and Kelly.
Snowy Saturday shenanigans.
Wonderful Ward Christmas party.
Featuring the most angelic (also dramatic) of angels:
Then promptly broke.
Gingerbread houses were made. Then immediately (and disgustingly) devoured.
Target. Always Target.
Tessa's School Sing-a-long (not pictured, Eden's. Because I forgot.)
Allen made his daddy's {in}famous gum drop cake.
Continuing his kitchen streak, he also provided Christmas Eve's dinner.
Which I am pretty sure involved an entire cow.
New Year's Eve noshing. And an 8:30pm countdown. Naturally.
2017 was the year of growth spurts, from school to height and adventures to understandings.
2017 was good.
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