Rounding out the month that is suppose to look like Spring and feel like Spring, but turns out is actually just one giant tease:
Ryder got his braces off!!
New York Auto Show
Grandma and Grandpa came to visit!!
Tessa spent a day as Jane Goodall
I wallpapered the girls' bathroom.
While Ryder was busy saving a small corner of the world via his Eagle project, my girls were saving their too-many-snow-days education. Berkeley Heights mandated school on a SATURDAY!
Worst. Winter. Ever.
Some Dinosaur BBQ to celebrate a project well done (for father and son, duh).
And just because being in Young Women's with these beauties is the best.
April brought snow showers, which likely means no May flowers, but, but, dare I say, Winter is over.
Cue all the happiness.
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