Happy Birthday to the handsomest man I know. Sorry you are turning 30. You don't look a day over 29. I promise.
In your 30 years of life I would say some of your greatest accomplishments are:
Dating a sea of girls and being smart enough to pick the most awesome fish
Graduating from B-school with a 4.0...holy genius
Making two phenomenal babies with that awesome fish
Establishing a career that allows you to afford your awesome fish (okay, so this is a work in progress..you are only 30)
Serving a 2 year mission in the frigid cold and dark abyss
Eating the awesome fish's cooking, every night
Getting and staying super buff
Learning to love asparagus
Destroying my, well, already destroyed house, then putting it all back together, all pretty- like
Walking home from the train that one day you did it when I wasn't home and didn't get your call in time
Well, there are more, like all the really important ones, but you don't read my posts so I will stop myself. We are excited to get you home so we can celebrate!!