Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Turkey Time

Last night for Family Home Evening we made our Tommy-the-Thankful-Countdown-to-Thanksgiving-Turkey.  Idea courtesy of the geniuses over at Make and Takes.
We took turns saying things we were thankful for.  These things became feathers.  Each day we will pluck a feather and focus on being grateful for the corresponding subject.  The plucking will continue until Thanksgiving arrives.  Today was "school."  Ryder didn't have school, so there wasn't a whole lot of thankfulness going on.  Surely tomorrow will be better.  Unless Obama wins.  Then it will be worse.


hoLLy said...

and he did win....argggggg.

on a happier note, cute turkey idea! i may have to copy you.

Mistie said...

What a fun idea...i'll have to try that one this year! You are such a fun mom!

amanda. said...


lets take a wild guess who's thankful for daddys job.

im gonna say its not the kid in old dinosaur footies.

Melissa said...

It worked! I am so happy. What a beautiful family you have. I love your little thankful turkey. I want to make one too.