Because really, what holiday only lasts a day??
Before I begin, my camera is broken, so no pictures of the little monkeys.
Wednesday Ryder and I began our LOVE festivities by dipping pretzels in chocolate, as seen in Make and Takes. Obviously this is her picture as my camera is broken, remember?? I would dare say that our pretzels turned out even more adorable, but you will just have to take my word for it. We ate too many then packaged the rest up for Valentine's gifts.

Thursday we spent the morning making Valentine cards for Ryder's Pre-K class, then spent the afternoon at his school party, which I was so wonderfully in charge of (gag me). Ryder was also selected to be Student of the Month for all of Wilson School (the only kid chosen among preschoolers, Pre-Kers, and kindergartners)! Such a stud. I promised him ice cream. Dad came home with a new PS3 game for him instead. Obvious who the cooler parent here is. Whatever.
Friday was the church play group party where the kids ate way too many cupcakes and decorated sugar cookies, and exchanged more Valentine's. Far too much sugar was consumed here. I now have nearly as much candy hidden as Halloween. This is unfortunate.
That evening I dropped the kids off at the sitter and met Allen and one of our fave couples from Texas in the city. It was so fun seeing you Stubbart's!! We had dinner at the Tribeca Grill then gorged ourselved on cupcakes at Magnolia Bakery. Allen ate three. I still have puke chills thinking about it. Gross. Then we had to say goodbye. Thanks for letting us crash on your vacation guys! It was so fun seeing you. Next up: Cruising in 2010. We can't wait!! (Well, hopefully next up will be seeing everyone in Dallas, but I have been saying that for 3 years... so I suck).
Saturday we took the kids out to Friendly's for lunch. I figured that after they had consumed their chicken and french fries and huge servings of ice cream I was done with the Valentine goodies. We spent the rest of the day relaxing and showing love at home. I think. I don't really remember the rest of the day. I'm pregnant. So shoot me.
I love Valentine's Day. I love my manly Valentine and my mini-Valentine's. Hope you all had a fabulous love-fest day (or week) as well!!
Sounds like you guys consumed enough sugar to last the whole year! Isn't it great! LOL. Way to go Ryder for being student of the month. I bet he absolutely loved it.
okay, Valentine's Week is an apt name for what happened at your place. Wow!
congrats ryder! i hope he rubbed his award in all the other kids faces and made them cry.
and it sounds like you had a super fun and yummy vday. how fun to get to see old friends! and i hope we are on your "fave couples from texas" list:) you are our fave couple in jersey(well, you are the only couple we know in jersey:)
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