Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Last Getaway

Last week we escaped life and headed to the Poconos where we spent two incredibly dreamy days at the Great Wolf Lodge.  Honestly, the two best days of my kids' life.  I was worried at least one of them would be too chicken to receive maximum enjoyment.  Gratefully, I was dead wrong.
Both kids begged and begged to go on more slides.  It was music to my ears.  What made it especially fun was we went with another family...a girlfriend for me to hang out with, a daddy for Allen to play with, and plenty of friends for the kids!!  Have I said it was perfect yet?
Granted, the 8 month pregnant beast played was only allowed the role of photographer and cheerleader, seeing the looks on the kids faces made it absolutely worth it!
After exhausting ourselves, gorging on food at the less than mediocre buffet, the kids were ready for the nighttime fun to begin!

Bathed, PJ-ed and ready for a raucous night of story and singing time!
The Show.
The kids sleeping quarters.  Really, they couldn't have been more in love.  Already begging for a replica in their room.

First attempt at group shot.  Half of group missing.  Other half angry.  Except for the baby.  
Ryder Heaven.

Linley Bliss

Daddy and Linley getting soaked.  One member of the party laughed.  The other cried.

At least they are all looking at the camera!
The crew of kids.  Tired and fabulous. 

Such a dreamy couple of days.  The kids were perfect.  The fun was perfect.  The accommodations were perfect.  Serious memories were made.  Success!!
We all can't wait to go back!


Anonymous said...

I hope you are feeling well. The family looks great!!! I am glad you had a wonderful weekend, we are all entitled to that, especially being stay at home moms!!! I know my kids act better when Daddy is around, but that could just be me. Hope all is well back in New Jersey!

eric and girls said...

That looks like a lot of fun. We have one a few hours away and have been debating on going. Is it really worth the money? You guys look great and I bet you are counting down the days til the new one arrives!

Karly said...

I wish we could of gone too! Way fun.

CorayFam said...

THat place looks AMAZING!! I want to go next time!!

Audrey said...

That place is incredible! I wish I could go there--kids optional. I hope your pregnancy is going well. Excited to see the pictures and find out the name...

hoLLy said...

we went this year too and LOVED it. we've decided we will go every spring! its a fabulous fabulous place! and wow, when the heck did linley grow up? she just keeps looking older and older and ryder looks the same:) haha. i think its the hair thing, once a little girls hair starts growing it completely changes their look.