Thursday, May 28, 2009

Close but No Cigar

36.5 Weeks
37.5 Weeks
Should you ask me when I am due, I promise to answer December.  As in, don't ask, and definitely don't looked shocked and give me that "you must be suicidal" look when I tell youI have over two weeks to go.


Amy said...

Wow, this pregnancy went by so fast (for me, hee hee)

hoLLy said...

hang in there girlfriend! it will be over soon...

Audrey said...

I was just checkin' to see if there was any news...

Maile said...

I can't believe you're going to have a newborn again! I'll send early labor vibes your way. :)

Karly said...

You are all baby and nothing else... good luck my friend. It will happen and I can't wait to see the little girl.