Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Father/Son Campout

This past weekend the boys abandoned the girls (literally...carlessness sucks), and spent some time male bonding at the Stake Annual Father/Son Campout.
This was the little man's first time camping. To say he was excited is a huge understatement. Pretty sure he announced to all of Summit he was "5 and going camping tonight." Sweetness.
Highlights from Ryder:
1. I don't like s'mores
2. I sleep good in a tent. But I like to stay up really late and wake up really early.
3. Glowstick tag was my most favorite game ever
4. It was suppose to thunderstorm but Jesus kept the rain gone.
Okay, so that is a campfire. Look, I was not the photographer. I am informed the camera promptly died hereafter. Well done love.

1 comment:

CorayFam said...

WAY fun!! I am excited for Ammon to be able to do this sometime this year. I love the NEW haircut.she looks ADORABLE and you look FANTASTIC missy!!