Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Allen Ages

On Friday we celebrated a special someone turning 31. He was our handsome prince for the day.
Well, he is a handsome prince everyday, but on this special day he wore a crown to commemorates his handsome princeness.
I would say the handsome prince had a pretty fabulous day, even if he is getting moldy old.


Amy said...

Happy Birthday Allen! The 2nd picture looks like the crown is a pot in the painting, or like there are feathers/leaves coming out of the crown---too cool.

April said...

Holly cow!!! Allen has some serious hair going there. It looks like a fun birthday. Your kiddos are super cute. I just want to kiss tessa's checks. She is getting way too big. miss ya.

Kristin said...

Love the crown. And love the black candles even more!! You are too funny!!! (: