Monday, December 28, 2009

Celebrating Locally

First of all- having my 5 year old operate that massive saw with and even larger blade goes against all of my better judgement. My judgement, however, does not matter when daddy says it is okay. This picture does have a purpose, other than proof for CPS....this marks the last door to be replaced in the entire house. No nasty old door remains. Hallelujah! It also marks Allen using his most phenomenal Christmas gift to him from myself. The tool set/kit/machinery (I don't know what the crap to call that stuff) of his dreams. I rock!
The Saturday before we left for California we spent the day spreading a little festive fun here at home. We took the kids to Friendly's (which is a huge treat for the children as that is their favorite dining destination (it's not really a restaurant is it???) and every time I leave that place I feel the urge to wretch...I'm just saying), then headed to our little local zoo to view it all lit up.
The kids were enamored by the lights. Allen and I were freezing our butts off, desperate to heard the kids through everything as quickly as possible.
We took a break to warm our tootsies at the indoor carousel.

It was a cute little day, gearing us up for the future fun that would occur in California...after our 7 hour plane ride. We needed as much gearing up as possible for that beauty.

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