Friday, August 27, 2010

Ryder Speaks/Linley Speaks

Today leaving the grocery store, the kids decided to display their intellect:
Ryder: "Look mom! It's a minivan."
(It was a Mini Cooper)

Linley: "Mom!! Thanks so much for buying Spanish Muffins."
(Ahem, I think she meant, English muffins)

They obviously have their father's brain.


jessica said...

Love it!

jessica said...

I've just spent the last 25 minutes catching up on your life. I absolutly miss you and all your sassiness. Looks like you had a fun filled summer. I really enjoyed the Hamptons post. I'm jealous.

Amy said...

hahahaha......I love that you are capturing these moments that you can bring up 10 years from now in front of dates they're trying to impress.