Sunday, February 13, 2011

Our Slice of Heaven

This weekend marked our third annual trip to The Great Wolf Lodge in the Poconos.
Never disappointing, it was a most welcome escape from the hell frozen over life that is our current reality.
I am not sure who has more fun....the kids or the dads. Regardless, there are ample smiles and squeals to go around, making for two go-down-in-history-as-golden days.
Even if the humans above us sounded like wild rabid animals until 2 in the morning.
Even if my children spent $20 on pay-per-view movies when I instructed them to turn on the TV and leave me alone at 6:30 in the am.
Even if I dropped my camera in the water on day one while trying to rescue my drowning Tessa.

1 comment:

Mistie said...

lol about paper-view. and jealous of this amazing place you found in the poconos. Troy and I were just reminiscing about our little trip there with you. So much fun!