Monday, April 11, 2011

Cousin Craze

One of the major advantages of this trip was getting to be all by myself with my baby and my mom and dad. Which has happened, never. It was so refreshing to be their little girl again. And so fun to see Tessa play the part of only child. Which she did quite well.

I loved every second spent with my brothers, The Fantastic Miss Tracy and most of all their babies.
We kept Graham (Elliot and Tracy's Mister Man) Friday night and he and Tess were so completely adorable with each other.

That there would be Harrison Birch (Grant's perfect angel). This was my first time meeting Harry the Helmet. And I am fully in love with that chunk of perfection.
It was tempting to stay in the big house, the 85 degree temps, and the 50 boxes of chocolates. But, my jeans were getting too tight and those other kids of mine were missing their mother. Okay, they really weren't, since their father was giving them the best four days of their lives (complete with dinner at a martian restaurant, roller blading, birthday parties, etc) but it makes me feel better to think that my absence was keeping them up at night.

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