Saturday, July 7, 2012

California Adventures: Granite Bay

 Our next stop was to head back "home" to spend some time with the family.  We spent a day watching the kids run wild at Wacky Tacky, which is basically a humongous indoor jungle gym/ball pit thingie.  Needless to say, the children were entertained.
 We perused and fed our faces at The Fountains.
 We basked and swam in Allen's aunt's pool. 
 It does my little heart good to see my children in love with the water.
 We posed for gratuitous family shots, including: 
all cousins residing/attending California,
 all siblings residing/attending California,
 and all preggers residing/attending California (one of which was due to give birth 10 days from the shot, the other, 10 weeks #notfair, #bitter, #iamabeast).
We spent another day at the rad Folsom pool, complete with obstacle courses, much to Ryder's delight.
 We ate up every second we could with the grandma's.
 And the zebra drums.
 And we kindly allowed Uncle Aaron to play with the children while the other adults conversed.  Poor kid.
We were well-entertained, well-fed and most certainly well-pleased with our sweet little visit.  Thanks to all for indulging/not killing us.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Man. Linley is seriously insanely beautiful. Like probably the prettiest kid I have ever seen. Let us hope teenage years are good to her, too.