Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Linley Brooke is 6!!

  On the 21st, this chick had a birthday.  She began her day with new makeup and clothes.  Because she insisted.  And she is a (self-professed) princess.  And it was her birthday.  
 Then she got to take three of her friends (okay, well two and Tessa.  One had to drop-out last minute) to an adorable salon in Millburn for a spa day.
 Because my girls just aren't high maintenance enough.
 I'm pretty sure they thoroughly enjoyed themselves.  And more sure I need a spa day.  Or month.
A dinner excursion at Cheesecake Factory followed by
 cake and presents capped off a pretty dreamy 6-year old day.
Happy birthday sweet and spunky Linley Brookie Cookie!!! We love every last pizzazzy piece of you!!

1 comment:

Ashli said...

Ok, so that cake is seriously awesome. You get mother of the day award at the very least. Looks like it was a fun day for sure. Wish I were there to eat cake. Guess what, you get to have a baby next month!