Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Baby Story

 Because I was barely 1cm at my last check-up, my doctor wanted me to check into the hospital Sunday night to start Cervedel.  However, after checking-in and a quick exam, it was determined I wouldn't actually need the Cervedel.  I was hoping they would send me home for a decent nights sleep, but instead I got hooked up to monitors and an IV, sent Allen home with the kids, and took an Ambien.
My pit drip started Monday morning, September 17th, at 8:30am.  The doctor broke my water at 10am.  I received my epidural at 10:45.  Started pushing at 12:35.  And welcomed Eden Rose to the world at 12:45pm.  
 It was a sort of surreal labor experience.   The only way I can explain it is to say it felt like Christmas. Beyond the pain, the room was blanketed by calm and warmth.  It felt sacred and sweet and miraculous.  Needless to say, I will aways treasure the moments that made this day extra magical. 
 Meet Miss Eden Rose: 
8 pounds 13 ounces, and 22 inches long.  
It is no wonder my ribs had been bruised past feeling.
My three little princesses and the newly crowned fab four.
 The kids had school off that day, so they happily played at a friend's house until it was time for them to eagerly meet their baby sister...4 hours after her arrival.
 Hot dang that's a lot of monkeys.
Mom flew in just a couple hours later.  She spent the week slaving over my every desire, keeping the three biggies pleased as punch, and loved on the pretty little piece of perfection.  I hope you realize how amazing and appreciated you are Deb Wallace!!  Come back and make me more food?!?!

1 comment:

Sarah Weiss said...

How is it that you look so great before, during, and after labor?! Holy cow. I need your beauty tips :-) Congrats.