I feel like starting in about October I begin anxiously anticipating April. That's when the air starts to chill and I know misery is upon me.
And after months of testimony-building experiences in enduring to the end, April arrives. And it is everything I had hoped it would be. Sun-shiny, and sneezy and scratchy and snot-filled. And if we all felt this miserable in January, we would never make it to April. But it is April, and so we are gracious to be gunked and content to be clogged.
Blessed, sweet April.
Time for the monthly iPhone purge. Let's begin:
Linley and I glammed up the backseat on our trip to PA.
So many glorious days were spent looking like this (which is pretty much how Heaven looks, I'm certain):
Tootsies were given the right to breathe. And this baby thought that was the bees knees.
I elected to match my hair to the blossoms. Because when your husband doesn't allow brown or bangs, the only other obvious option is pink.
And then I got my wisdom teeth yanked out of me. Which was one of the more traumatic experiences of my life. Puking for a day, intense pain for a week and numbness on half of my face still going strong on day 10. All the while being attacked by allergies. I am now on steroids hoping to liven up my stupid mouth nerves. Because dang, I am missing my slobbery baby smooches. And eating like a normal human.
And after all that waiting, April vanished. January could stand to take some serious pointers.