Thursday, July 18, 2013

Beach Days are the Best Days

The East Coast has been blessed with triple digit heat index days all week long.
 To celebrate, we gathered up some of our favorites and headed south to The Shore.

It tickles me a pretty pink to see every one of my children completely enamored by and unafraid of the ocean.
This little mermaid let the waves splish and splash her all over the place.  By the end of the day she had a belly full of salt water and a head full of sand- and she couldn't have been more pleased.
And this little sand-faced baby girl found her happy place nuzzled with her mama neck deep in the ocean.  She would let the waves tickle her toes and thump her thighs, but she was most elated when we ventured far beyond the crashing waves.  My little beachy dream baby.
 Ryder and Linley spent every hour swimming deeper and deeper into blue.  
Brave and beautiful are those little beings.
And so, I feel it safe to say, beach days really are the best days.  Even a scratchy sandy-toed ride home in stupid traffic isn't enough to damper our sun-kissed souls.

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