Saturday, August 10, 2013

Ten Months (Super Late)

 Soooo, Eden Rose turned 10 months old nearly a month ago.  But see, it's summer and blogging goes straight to the back burner.  And maybe I believe if I don't blog an event,  it never really happened?!?
 But it did happen, and on that day it was raining and she was grumpy.  Which seems to be a trend these last few weeks.  The raining part.  Okay, and at least one person in this family finding themselves grumpy at some point during the day.  Summer is not allowed to keep us crammed indoors.  It's just not healthy.  Or convenient.  Or love-inducing.  Not really even like-inducing.
 Long story short: 6 pictures were snapped.  Then the tears, screaming and thrashing began.  I am blaming it on pool withdrawals.  It's making me itch.  
 This most snuggly babe has decidedly refused the boobies and completely embraced the bottle.  And so I found myself torn this month: rejoicing in my new found freedom and mourning her existence independent of me.
 And do you see all those teeth???  Silver lining.
She is desperate to walk but is only met with discouragement (by me!!!!), loves her daddy most, never. stops. screaming/yelling/grunting/hurtingmyears, has discovered the many amusements present in a bathroom (a toilet.  with water.  and toilet paper.  yes!!!), loves to play peek-a-boo and give high-fives and will do anything for attention.  She's just the cutest.  And so completely the baby of this household.

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