Sweet Miss Linley Broke chose to be baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on August 31st. It was a mommy-beaming-with-pride sort of day. And I didn't even apologize.

She was radiant and twinkling.
We counted our lucky stars that both sets of Grandparents and even Aunt Amanda were present and participating in her special day.
Her baptism was a beautiful and sacred event. The room was filled to the brim with friends and family.
When Allen and Grandpa Z exercised their priesthood powers, the Spirit was present. Skin-tingling and tears-threatening present.
It all was beautiful. The whole of it. Beauty in it's most true and penetrant form.
And then we celebrated.
Linley left knowing she was loved. Loved by friends and family, both here on earth and in heaven.
The gospel: it's just goose-bump giving good.
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