Friday, September 5, 2014

Sending off Summer

The last week of summer was busy.  In the best possible way.  Family and baptisms and football games and the beach.  Twice.  Because, finally, the weather got it's act together and decided to act like summer.  
 Our first trip was traffic-laden and crowded, but still certainly satisfying.
I mean, we have only seen 90 degrees a handful of times this summer.
Which, God's of the Sunshine, is just disgraceful.
 Tuesday after Labor day, when everyone but us had to resume normal life, we snuck in one more beach day.  And this beach day was the be-all end-all of all beach days.
 No traffic.  The parkway was eerily empty.  The beach was eerily empty.
We, however, were elated. And not even eerily.
 The sand was pristine, the water crystal clear, the sky breathtakingly blue.  I honestly forgot I was in New Jersey.  More than once.
 It was the perfect send-off to summer.
I really hope this one is repeatable.  

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