Saturday, March 4, 2017


This year we are swapping our 12 Days of Christmas for 25 days of service; every day leading up to Christmas, we will focus on a different Christlike behavior. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year.


December 1: Worldwide Day of Service

December 2: Jesus honored His parents and so can you. 
We are writing love notes to our parents and grandparents

December 3: Jesus helped others to see, and so can you. 
Today we are taking extra care not only to see the good in others, but to vocalize their good. If you've spent more than 5 minutes around Linley, you know sincere compliments flow from her easily. It's the most beautiful gift. It was such a treasure watching her pour goodness on her sister today.

December 4: Jesus worshipped His father and so can you. 
Today we attended church, each of us fasting for someone who could use a little extra love and lift this holiday season

December 5: Jesus healed the sick and so can you. 
We have a newlywed teacher in our school who's husband was recently diagnosed with cancer. 6 weeks after they said "I do." Listening to my 7- and 10-year old fervently pray on the behalf of someone truly suffering tugs at every last one of my heart strings.

December 6: Jesus read the scriptures and so can you.

December 7: Jesus fed the hungry and so can you.
December 8: Jesus prayed for others and so can you.
Today we each chose two special individuals to include in our nightly prayers the remainder of December.  In an attempt to make these prayers more personal and meaningful, we also added a list of specific asks for each person.  Sweetest Tess has the most tender and pure heart and she completely melted mine.
December 9: Jesus visited with the lonely and so can you.
Tonight we delivered dinner to Mr. Parsons, our wheelchair-bound-smokes-like-a-chimney-always-passes-Halloween-candy all alone elder neighbor.  He definitely didn't hear/understand a word we said, so hopefully our food will do all the talking (and it says more than I don't know how to spell broccoli).
 December 10: Jesus helped people walk and so can you.
20 million disabled people need wheelchairs but cannot obtain one.  Humanitarian Services of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints provides wheelchairs and walking aids to those in need who cannot afford one. We helped make a difference for one of those people today.

December 11: Jesus ministered to children and so can you.
Today we fed our sweet sister missionaries, 19- and 20-year old ministers of Christ.  They left their parents in Arizona and Utah to spread the good news of the gospel to God's children in New Jersey.  It is such a joy having them in our home and setting such beautiful examples for my four future missionaries.
December 12: Jesus taught others and so can you.
Today we made little "Thank You" gifts for our school teachers.  We love educators in this household.  They are truly saintly and deserve our endless gratitude (and chocolate).
December 13: Jesus showed humility and so can you.
Sourcing pride sucks.  Today we sat down and focused on something that hinders our humility.  It was both enlightening and disheartening.  I determined my children my primary point of pride.  I often measure my success by theirs.  When they excel in school, sports, music and church, I thrive.  I find myself prioritizing their activities under the guise that it is what is best for them, when in reality I am crafting my ideal at the expense of far more important and less visible good.  So today we are letting some sports slide, we are skimping on some spelling and we are measuring success by time together.
December 14: Jesus taught us to clothe the naked and so can you (also, hooray for cleaning out closets).
 December 15: Jesus worshipped through song and so can you.
This sweet song (Little Jesus) captured my heart years ago with the very first chord Jill Clegg strummed on her guitar while sitting on the primary room floor, the children gathered all around her.  It was not hard to imagine Jesus there, doing the very same thing, teaching and sitting and loving the children. I knew right then that was exactly how I wanted my every Christmas to feel: like the warmth of a lullaby.
 December 16: Jesus showed compassion and so can you.
We're subbing for Santa and merrying someone's Christmas!
December 17: Jesus cared for his mother and so can you.
My entire life I have wanted to be like Deb: Look like Deb. Dress like Deb. Mother like Deb.  Cook like Deb. Play the piano like Deb. But mostly, I want to be bold like Deb.  She's an ungraceful awkward beautiful force and I want to be just like her.  Love you to the moon, mom.

December 18: Jesus honored the Sabbath and so can you.
My car had a flat tire this morning, which meant we arrived to church lateand a little disheveled.  But we went and we worshipped and we rejoiced.  Church is often long and exhausting, but it is always worth it.
December 19: Jesus calmed the storm, and so can you.
"We are surrounded by those in need of our attention, our encouragement, our support, our comfort, our kindness...we are the Lord's hands here upon the earth with the mandate to serve and lift His children.  He is dependent upon each of us." Thomas S. Monson

December 20: Jesus saw potential in others and so can you.
Basketball is not Ryder's dominant sport, but it is his favorite. During tonight's game, I better realized my job as a mother is to help my children accomplish happiness; that joy is our potential. Even if that means B-team basketball.
December 21: Jesus forgave others and so can you.
This morning was not our brightest: shoes were stomped, general household items were thrown, doors were slammed, and I may have yelled, "Christmas is cancelled!" while whisking children out the door.  But all hurt was healed after school over a cup of steamed milk.  Happiness is the ability to forgive freely.
 December 22: Jesus showed gratitude and so can you.
Living on Lillian Court has been one of life's greatest blessings.  Our small street has become an extension of our family; we serve together, we school together, we sled together, we sob together.  These families are our go-tos, our back-ups and our must-haves.  They are my village.  Today we treated our neighbor/family/friends to the tiniest token of our endless gratitude.
 December 23: Jesus was a peacemaker and you can be one, too.
Our Christmas cookie extravaganza was made a little sweeter today when we each took turns listing traits we admired in each other.  The responses:
Allen: motivated, engaged, playful, example, take me swimming
Erica: loving, hard-working, professional shopper, good cook, spunky
Ryder: responsible, generous, kind, outgoing, talented
Linley: beautiful, determined, my best friend, tenacious, glowing
Tessa: loyal, nice, big-hearted, vibrant, creative
Eden: funny, awesome, rough-and-tumble, snuggly, brave
 December 24: Jesus cared for His loved ones and so can you.
Teaching and showing my children to know and to love Jesus: that is how I care for them best.

And with that, this has been unquestionably the most heart-warming, soul-quenching, purposeful, Christ-filled December yet.  
Our world was lit, and it shined so very brightly.

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