Thursday, May 29, 2008

Privacy Please

I am hopping on the privacy bandwagon, which I really thought I would never really do. However, our good friends just had an incident that nearly cost him his job due to a friends blog. I really don't want to be involved in anything of that nature (and would really, really hate to be the cause of Allen losing his job), so we are going will be official June 9th. So, good friends and lurkers alike, leave me a comment with your email addresses so you can keep tabs of our ever exciting-fine, our boring but rarely normal-lives (and if you don't want people to know your email, email me with your email address:
Sorry people that use Reader or Bloglines, or other similar stuff. I know privacy is annoying. But Megan, as my sister you are required to continue reading my blog.


Sarah Weiss said...

I heard the same thing about myspace, and people interviewing for jobs.Companies will actually google for you on the internet to see what kind of personal life you have. So does this mean that you aren't having a blog anymore, or are you just setting your blog to private? Well you have my email address.

Sarah Weiss said...

P.S. That's so sweet that he likes Camerin that much. I guess it's a love/hate relationship. Love him when he's gone, hate him when he's there. Then again maybe it's all Camerin. He's starting to have trouble getting along with his friends.

Megan said...

yeah, looks like you have lots of viewers. gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Anonymous said...

Stubbart said...

Well, you know we want to keep up on the Zimmerman's! You have our e-mail address?

Audrey said...

Here's Audrey's

Abby said...

me! family eaton at gmail dot com

hoLLy said...

i've thought about going private too. not just from a job standpoint, but because there are some sicko child molestin pervs out there. i'll email you to make sure you have my email address.

jessica said...

jessmilks at gmail

Rebecca said...

bexdaboo at gmail

Kim said...

You'd better already have me on the list!

Gast Family said...

It is always fun to see what your are up to I hope I am still allowed ;D

eric and girls said...

I hope you got my email

Naomi said...

Me, me, me! I think you already have my email. If not, shame on you! :)

Rachel said...

raeshumway at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Unknown said...

Please let me continue to stalk you guys.

james dot gillice at gmail dot com

Tricia said...

You should already have my address. Please add me.