Tuesday, January 13, 2009

No Use For a Name

Or in this case, a title.  As in, this one is pretty self-explanatory folks.


Karly said...

You look GREAT! Congrats Mommy.

CorayFam said...

You look AMAZING!! WOW!! CONGRATS!! I am SOOOO Excited for you guys!!! I wish I could do math well, but when are you due then? June??

Megan said...

Bout time. I love your hair and your shirt but, mostly I love that HOT belly!

Kim said...

I think it's so funny that we like getting it on with our hubbies for multiplying and replenishing the earth purposes at the same time. 'nough said.

Naomi said...

Say what?!!!!! Congratulations and your looking as hot as ever! :)

Mistie said...

Hola mi amiga! I was waiting for this post on your blog!!! I knew it was comin. Congrats!! I bet you are so excited! Can't wait to watch your belly grow!! Keep the posts a comin.

Anonymous said...

I knew it, I knew it!!!! I noticed a little something about you in past pictures, you had the glow....I AM SOOO HAPPY!!!! Just when I finally caught up to everyone who had two.......everyone is going on to have a third...but not me!!!! What is your offical due date then?

Megan said...

WOAH!!! You're pregnant?????

Amy said...

oh my gosh, congratulations!! Ok, how on earth is it possible to be pregnant with your third child and look like you are barely 3 weeks along??? Holy crap you look good.

Megan said...

She is starving the poor child, obviously. Hang in there little one...she will beef up shortly.

Jenny said...

Congratulations! That's fantastic news. You look fabulous and brave. Three is a lot.

eric and girls said...

So I heard this news a little ways back. Our fathers talk and have loud mouths. Anyways, I have been waiting for you to announce it. Congrats and you look great!!!!!!

Stubbart said...

I can't believe you waited until 18 weeks to announce it! But seriously, you look fabulous as usual! Congrats! So, shouldn't you be finding out what it is in the next couple weeks?

thecamps said...

Congrats...I kinda heard but didn't believe it cuz you look awesome..congrats and I hope you are feeling awesome..

thecamps said...

Congrats...I kinda heard but didn't believe it cuz you look awesome..congrats and I hope you are feeling awesome..

amanda. said...

1. This is me being able to tell you are pregnant? Right.
2. Cute outfit.
3. Let me get those boots.
4. Fine, keep them. But do send me some Hunters for my birthday.
5. That would be January 29.

Kristin said...

Congratulations!! You look awesome. Can't wait to hear more!!

jessica said...

Now that is officially on your blog I will Officially say Congrats!

Sarah Weiss said...

Congrats! I knew there was a reason why you weren't blogging religiously as you do! I did fortell it, by the way, a few months ago. You are good at keeping a secret! I can't believe you're almost half way! You look fabulous!

Megan said...

Since Amanda doesn't want your boots afterall, I guess I will just have to take them off your hands. You know my address.

Amy said...

PS. Shouldn't you be able to know what you're having when you're this far along? :P

Maile said...

Wow!! Erica, I'm so happy for you, but I'm afraid I'm not keeping up with you this time. :)

Audrey said...

YAY!!! I knew I hadn't been doing a good job keeping up with your blog. So--boy or girl?