Cause every girl here wanna be her
Ohh She's a Diva
They feel the same and I wanna meet her
(skipping lyrics that don't apply to my sweet innocent little baby)
.....the baddest thing around town
Seriously, that song is impossible to get out of my head. Kind of like Tessa. Or not. That segue really didn't work. Regardless, this is my 9 month old chubster sitting pretty in 18-month old clothing.
Allen told me last night that all the pictures I post on the blog of Tess are of her looking like a bulldog. And that she no longer resembles a bulldog because she is always smiling, and thus, the pictures do not accurately portray his baby girl. Which was interesting to me, because while she does smile a lot, she looks like a bulldog a lot more. Then I realized, she is always smiling for her daddy. In fact, she has the strongest preference for her daddy as a baby than either of the big kids ever did. You should see this girl when Allen walks in the room. She starts grinning and giggling and bouncing up and down and shaking her little fists in excitement. It's kind of rude actually.
She is still a crappy night sleeper. Like really crappy. But we won't focus on that. One of her top teeth finally cut through today. Maybe that will help. Which we all know it won't, but maybe thinking that it will will cause me to sleep sounder the two hours of sleep I will get before she starts screaming (and surely it is inappropriate to use that many wills in a sentence).
She has also started clapping- spontaneously when daddy pops in, and on demand whenever someone says, "yay." It is pretty stinking adorable.
And here she is, fresh from her nap and at her most nibbable.
In other news, could these past two days have been more enjoyable? I feel less dead. Amazing what a little Vitamin D, after, how long was winter....10 months???, can do for a person.
And in final news, GO COUGARS!!! Does anyone else have enough faith to put them in their Final Four??? :)
They made it through the first game in my bracket, but not the second. That game was a nail biter though! Your baby is sooo cute!
Tessa a bulldog? Never! Much to sweet.
Those after nap rosy cheeks are pretty adorable!
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