Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Pull The Trigger

We got a buttload of snow on Sunday.
Something ridiculous like 2 feet.
After 2 hours of unburying ourselves out of our stupidly long driveway Monday morning, we thought it would be wise to go sledding.
We are idiots.
It was windy, and freezing, and the snow was way too deep to maneuver.
Don't let their smiles fool you. It was a completely miserable experience for all.

I think I may be staring at this same snow until June. This makes me a grumpy girl.


Tracy said...

Oh man. It was 62 degrees here today. We played at the park in t-shirts. Just thought you would want to know what we've been up to.

hoLLy said...

hahaha, i love how honest you are.