Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tessa Jane Turns Two!!!

The Spunky Monkey had a birthday today. She woke up asking for cake. At 6 am. I turned on some cartoons, gave her some warm milk, and went back to bed.
At 7am she came into my bedroom holding a stick of butter like it was an ice cream cone. A half-eaten ice cream cone. Breakfast of champions I say.
Tess embodies the perfect blend of feisty and sweet. Her vocabulary is vast, her patience low, and her kisses abundant.
Her comedic timing seasoned, her curiosity dangerous, her stubbornness plentiful, and her fear nonexistent.
Simply stated: she is a treat.
My most favorite chubby-cheeked two year old on the planet.
Happy Birthday Tessa Jane!!!

We love you like fat kid loves candy (and how cute is my cake? I am so domestic.).

Speaking of, Linley called Ryder a fatty today. I told her it wasn't nice to call someone a fatty. She replied, "It's only not nice if they're skinny."
We'll blame the father on that one.


Mistie said...

love linley. lol.
And tess is a beauty. all your descriptions remind me of my Seneka. They are two peas in a pod. So funny. :)

Mistie said...
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Megan said...

I love my sweet Tessa.