Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Soooo, we moved!  As in, we are in THE house.  The one that was starting to feel like a make believe dream. It is all still a little shocking.  But a good kind of shocking. We moved in the Tuesday before Thanksgiving.  And worked like crazy people to get the house (and by house I mean three rooms) show ready, because we were hosting Thanksgiving just 48 super short hours later.
We had three families share in our feasting and it was a fabulous time.  At the end of the night, Allen just sat back and said, "That was good."
Sitting in our new home, enjoying our family and friendships and food.  It was good. So very, very good.
The adult table.
The kid table.
We are still working like crazy people turning this house into a home.  It's a sort of feeling I don't need ending anytime soon. 

1 comment:

Sarah Weiss said...

It is absolutely gorgeous! I'm so happy for you :-)