Thursday, July 31, 2008
Don't be Offended
Sorry fabulous friends!
Monday, July 21, 2008
The Princess Monkey Turns Two!!

Monday, July 14, 2008
Birthday Wishes
Today is my mommy's and my brother's birthdays. Happy birthday people. Debbie-you are such an amazing mommy and my very best friend. Elliot you are a pretty cool dude and an even cooler brother.
I tried to get the kids to send you some birthday love. I had to do it in the tub because that is the only way they can be contained. It sort of didn't work. But I tried, which should still make me the best daughter and sister in the world.
Hope your day is fabulous!!
Random Musings
In other news, I got called to be the first counselor in the Primary Presidency a couple weeks ago. I am really excited to get to work closely with some awesome women again. Plus, I am a big fan of Primary. And I loved serving with Kristin in the presidency in Dallas, so I am hoping this time it is almost as sweet (obviously nothing can compare to you and me and Lisa and about awesomeness!!). The ward has some serious empty callings right now (Bishopric, Elders Quorum, YM Presidency, Ward Mission Leader, etc...), which is leaving Allen pretty dang nervous. He enjoys his quiet little Financial Clerk calling. We'll see how long it lasts (and I am fully evil laughing right now...sorry babe).
Happy Monday!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
The Finale
Tuesday, after missing our flight then getting re-routed, we got back home at 2 am. I had to wake Linley up from her nap yesterday, figuring that going longer than 5 hours and 15 minutes may be a bit exorbitant. Today we are less hung over and cookies are in the oven and an afternoon at the pool after naps is planned. It was a fabulous vacation, but dang, it feels good to be home.

The Reunion

The Wedding
We are obviously back from California. It was one busy week with so much packed into it, it felt like we had been gone for a month. We began our journey on Tuesday, arriving in Sacramento at 10 pm (1am our time). Got to bed around 11:30. Linley woke the house up at 3:30, and we headed to Oakland for the big wedding at 6:30. Nice, restful way to begin a vacation.
Gretchen's and Saul's sealing was beautiful. Gretchen was such a beautiful bride, and the two of them make such an obviously happy couple. We are so excited for you two to start your lives together. Congratulations!!