Yesterday was a gorgeous, HOT day, and since those are proving to be a rarity around here, Allen took the day off and we headed to the shore...and made it! It was one of the best beach days we have experienced yet here in Jersey. The kids were perfect, the sun was hot, the water not frigid, the crowds tiny. Dreamy.

Perhaps the first time Allen has swam in the ocean since stepping foot on New Jersey soil.

The boys scoping out some shells.

Tessa all cuddled and shaded in her little cocoon. We determined we need a tent. Or umbrella. Or both. Or maybe we don't go to the beach enough.

Ryder loves playing along the shoreline. Not confident to go in the water past his knees, but completely content to sit on his bum and let the waves crash over his head. He loved every second!

The Masterpiece! Allen is one good beach daddy!

Check out all that chub. On Tessa punks. I am working on my own thank you very much. And yes I am wearing man glasses. Mine died in a most unfortunate accident involving at least one child. Sadness.

A girl after my own heart. She could have laid in the sun all day. And the brat came home with a bronzey glow. Her mother...a slightly more rosy tone.

We will end on this one. Me getting knocked by a wave. Which by the way, I am certain was much larger than currently pictured.
Summer is such a pleasure (when it acts like summer).