Thursday, August 27, 2009

Perfection Defined

Perfection: A day spent with girlfriends on a sunny beach, children playing happily, and babies sleeping soundly.

And thus, yesterday was perfection.

It's totally cool that it is so obvious that Tess is 6 weeks younger than her buddy.
Why must summer end???


Karly said...

Would love for you to spend the day on the beach with me too!

Audrey said...

See my kid would be the tiny one. All of my kids are way under weight to the point that when they start walking I get people staring with mouths gaping. He/She can walk??? They question in awe. My response? He/She ought to, he's/she's 18 months old!

April said...

Could you please stop doing fun things without me. Geez!! What kind of friend are you!

Audrey said...

I realize the game was just yesterday. But, I come to you for posts about the awesomeness of BYU football. Please respond accordingly.