Monday, August 17, 2009

Beach Bust

Saturday was another beautiful day so we all loaded up in the car to head down to the Shore. Along with the entire tri-state area. After spending 45 minutes traveling three miles in our 51 mile journey, we determined we really weren't in the mood to spend time at the beach with our 800 million friends. So, we spent time at the pool with just 4 of our friends. It was a fabulous, perfect, sunshiney, good time. Shamefully, I took no pictures. Hello- I was getting my tan on. Which was the first time this summer. Sadness.
After playing at the pool, we lunched at Benihana, came home, napped, then busted out the Slip n' Slide.

Daddy showing the kids how it's done.
The kids sucked at doing it by themselves. Linley getting a little "encouragement."
Ryder being forced down the slide
A swimsuit that fits. Wow, I am one decent mommy.
Mommy didn't slip n' slide. Not really in the mood for booby bruises. Sorry folks.

I dare say the day went even better than originally planned. Could you imagine how murderous 4 hours in traffic would be with my children? Good decision making Hill's and Hubs!


Kim said...

My kids absolutely love the slip 'n' slide. Definitely the best summer purchase:still in the box, never been used for $0.50 at a garage sale = hours of fun!

Marie said...

I can't believe we didn't discuss this on Sunday- but we loaded our 4 kiddies into the car for a day on the shore last Saturday too! We turned around after 2 hours- having not traveled even a half of the way there. Serious bummer....