Thursday, August 13, 2009


The Weather Guy confirmed that Monday was the first day this summer we hit 90 degrees. Talk about a rip-off. We celebrated playing in the sprinklers and slurping down popsicles. It's totally cool that it's raining again today...for the cajillionth time this summer. Oh depression.

And don't mind that Linley's suit is way too small. I bought it for her birthday. The pricetag said 4T. Only after I washed it did I notice that it is actually size 6-12 months. She refuses to believe it. Don't worry. An appropriately sized suit is in the mail. She should have it in time for Christmas. Not that it matters. We don't get sun here apparently. Oh, and those rosy cheeks of hers.... I was certain it was from playing in the heat. But now on day 3 of gulping down Motrin to tame her fever, I am pretty sure I made my sick kid play in the hot, humid sun. It was worth it though, right Linley??? I am such a rad mother.
And just a glimpse of what's ahead in her tutu cuteness (she's ready for you Tara!).

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