Thursday, October 2, 2008

Countdown to Candy

Because lets be honest, it's all about the candy. I had to copy Maile after I saw this on her blog. She got the idea from Make and Takes, a craft-challenged friendly blog with great ideas to do with the kids. The monkeys loved it. Then again, they love anything that has to do with gluesticks and the thought of candy, even if it is in the seemingly very distant future. They can't wait to take off their first ring before bed tonight. Coincidentally, I can't wait to put them to bed tonight. We all win.

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Naomi said...

So cute! I think I'm gonna have to copy Maile too. Such a cute idea, better than stupid X's on a calender. LOL.

Maile said...

Yours turned out so cute!! I know I'm really counting down to the candy...and I do love getting my kids all dressed up.

Megan said...

do you think i could take carson trick or treating? ya know, so i could get lots of free candy.

Amy said...

What a fun idea. Your monkeys look adorable, but who is surprised?

Anonymous said...

okay so linley has grown super fast in a just a year. Ryder keeps getting funnier and funnier as the days pass. I see you and I are both on a mission of organization (sp?). About the burp cloths....let me know what you site is slimming down, but we are transitioning to a new one....just let me know babe!!!

eric and girls said...

That's such a cute idea. I love Halloween time. I was talking to Johnny last night about how soon it will be before we get to make the holiday goodies. The homemade fudge, cookies, etc etc.

Karly said...

Amazing I just randomly came across the Make and Take website last night. So cute... count down pumpkin. I couldn't help but feeling overwhelmed after reading through the Make and Take website. Who are these women???

Miss you.


hoLLy said...

thats a cute idea. i thought about doing it but thats as far as i got with it. just thought about it:) me lazy lately.

Sarah Weiss said...

Hey girl. I love all of the fun stuff you do with your kids . . . because I steal all of your ideas! Your such a cool (and sexy) mom!
You haven't updated in over a week. That's so unlike you. My guess is that you're either on vacation or pregnant? :-)

Erica said...

I wish and I wish. Just strangely busy. Gross.